McAlester Regional- Pre-Construction

McAlester Regional- Post-Construction

McAlester Regional- Pre-Construction
McAlester Regional- Post-Construction

A recent LBR project was to grade the safety area beyond the south end of the runway at McAlester Regional Airport. As you can see from the “pre-construction” pictures, the safety area dropped severely just past the runway end. The sharp drop off area included a creek. The “post construction” pictures show how the area was graded to be less steep and the creek was relocated. The importance of this project was really demonstrated on October 16, 2016. A plane crashed after it lost power while doing touch and goes. It crashed off the south end of the runway in the area that had been graded for safety. A pilot and student were in the plane, and both escaped with minor injuries. The news story can be read at this link: . It is likely that the smooth area of ground off the runway end saved their lives. While working in the aviation field, the projects are designed with safety as the number one priority. A story like this yields meaning to why we do, what we do, every day.

McAlester Regional Drainage Improvements

Okemah Municipal Headwalls

David Jay Perry Drainage